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Commemoration Ceremonies for St. Nicholas in Demre

Antalya 11.12.2023   408

Commemoration Ceremonies for St. Nicholas in Demre

Demre, the historical district of Antalya, came together to commemorate the beloved St. Nicholas of the Christian world. Under the leadership of Fener Greek Patriarch Bartholomew, a special ceremony was held at the St. Nicholas Memorial Museum and Church.

Legacy of "Santa Claus" and Message of Peace

St. Nicholas, also known as the beloved "Santa Claus," was commemorated on December 6th. Patriarch Bartholomew expressed the joy and significance of celebrating this sacred day in Demre. He emphasized that the tradition of St. Nicholas helping those in need continues to this day.

Call for Peace from Bartholomew

Bartholomew prayed for an end to wars and the establishment of peace. Urging, "Mothers should no longer weep, and children should not fear," he called for an end to the wars in the Middle East and northern Turkey.

Cultural Heritage and Thanks

Bartholomew expressed gratitude to Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy and Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya for their support in organizing the ceremony. He also expressed his gratitude to former Minister of Culture and Tourism Ertuğrul Günay.

Protection of St. Nicholas and the Orthodox Community

Demre Metropolitan Hrisostomos Kalaycı reminded everyone that St. Nicholas is known as the protector of children and sailors. The prayers and candle lighting by the Orthodox participants conveyed a message of unity and solidarity.

This special day, highlighting the importance of peace and tolerance, underscored the significance of commemorating St. Nicholas. The ceremony, attended by citizens of Russia and Ukraine praying at the same time, emphasized the importance of peace and tolerance once again. The ceremony dedicated to the memory of St. Nicholas was a crucial step in preserving both historical and cultural heritage.

Life and Legacy of St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas lived in the 4th century AD and served as the metropolitan of Myra (present-day Demre). He is particularly known for helping children and sailors. The miracles and benevolence of St. Nicholas have been narrated for centuries, keeping his memory alive.

Meaning of the Ceremony and Social Impact

Bartholomew's message was not only that of a religious leader but also that of a peace ambassador. Prayers for the end of wars and alleviation of people's suffering became a beacon of hope spreading worldwide. The ceremony brought people from different nations together, reinforcing the message of peace and brotherhood.

Hopes and Wishes for the Future

Bartholomew's speech also touched on ecological issues and other significant challenges humanity faces. He emphasized that these problems could only be solved in accordance with God's commandments, through frugality, productivity, and humility. Seeking the intercession of St. Nicholas also means remembering these values and renewing our hopes for the future.

This article extensively explores the importance and impact of the ceremony held for St. Nicholas in Demre, emphasizing the societal and cultural significance of this special day. The ceremony provided an opportunity not only to commemorate a historical figure but also to remind the world of the importance of peace and brotherhood in today's context.

Source: sondakika

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