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Myra Ancient City in Demre

Myra Ancient City in Demre
Myra Ancient City is an ancient Lycian city located to the west of Antalya city center. Located in the district of Demre, Myra is one of the most important cities of Lycia. The city, formerly known as Kale and started to be known as Demre in 2005, attracts the attention of tourists with its necropolis areas.
Looking at the coins, archaeologists state that the Ancient City of Myra dates back to the 5th century BC. Myra, which is called Myrrh in Lycian language, was established on the slope of the mountains overlooking the sea. Myra, one of the Lycian cities, which is also known with their titles as well as their names, was known with the title of Brightest. The number of works from an important city such as Myra is very few.
Since the city was by the sea at that time, the people were exposed to the pressure of pirates. The people tried to stop these attacks through Andriake, one of the important ports of Lycia. The district of Demre, surrounded by mountains on three sides, has become a wide plain, a piece of land, due to the alluvium brought by the Demre Stream. Many artifacts found in the city of Myra are thought to be under these alluviums. One of the works that survived until today is the theater with 35 rows of seats. Myra theater is the most magnificent theater in the Lycian region with a capacity of 10 thousand people.
One of the most important surviving structures of Myra is its necropolis. This group of structures built within the rocky hill rising above the ancient theater area is one of the most important necropolises. Decorated with reliefs and inscriptions, the tombs look like small houses when viewed from a distance.
23 of the 70 cities in the Lycian Union had the right to vote. Cities that voted in antiquity were one step ahead of others. Myra, on the other hand, is one of the 6 cities with 3 votes, along with the cities of Xhantos, Patara, Olympos, Pinara and Tlos. This reveals its importance among ancient cities.
The ancient city of Myra became popular due to the fact that the most beloved Christian saint Nikolaos lived in this city and is the most impressive church of the region. Nicholas Church (St. Nicholas Church). Next to Nikolaos St. Myra is a city where prominent figures of Christianity such as Paul, Luke and Aristharchos also visit.

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