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Which are the Vegetable and Fruit Groups?

Which are the Vegetable and Fruit Groups?
Which are the vegetable and fruit groups
Food in the group of all edible parts of plants is divided into the category of vegetables and fruits.
It contains important nutrients:
They are rich in minerals and vitamins. They're high in folic acid, beta-carotene, vitamins A, vitamins E, C, B2, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, fiber, and other antioxidant precursors.
Main task:
  • They contribute to growth and development.
  • They ensure cell renewal and tissue repair.
  • They contain important ingredients for the health of the skin and eyes.
  • They protect the health of teeth and gums.
  • They are rich in elements related to blood production.
  • They effectively create disease resistance.
  • They convey a sense of fullness.
  • You can reduce the risk of obesity and chronic diseases (cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, certain types of cancer) caused by an unbalanced diet.
  • They help the intestines function properly.

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