Cities 07.08.2021 1870
Rules for entry to North Cyprus - In this article we will explain the entry requirements to Northern Cyprus and what you should be aware of. We hope to find the answer to your questions in this article.
The Council of Ministers of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has issued certain rules for entering the country. As a world, we are living through pandemic time and we think that this process will be a lot easier if each country follows certain rules.
Northern Cyprus is an interesting country in many ways. Especially in summer it attracts a lot of tourists because of the incredible nightlife. People not only travel to the country for entertainment, but also for business travel and many other reasons. Travelers must follow the decisions announced by the Council of Ministers.
Let's not forget that everything we do is to protect the health of residents and outsiders. We think there won't be much of a problem if everyone is conscious.
The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus initially commented on entering Turkey with a new identity card with a photo. No matter how old you are, if you come from Turkey you can enter the country with your new identity card.
The spread and number of the coronavirus vary from country to country. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has also divided the countries into different colors as a precaution. Now we will talk about which countries are which color and what precautions are being taken.
Argentina, Aruba, Equatorial Guinea, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cayman Islands, New Caledonia, Madagascar, Malevi, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Uganda, Zambia and many other countries have received the dark red color.
Unfortunately, if you have traveled to one of the dark red countries in the past 2 weeks, you will not be able to enter the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Of course, if you have traveled and had a PCR test within 3 days, the test must be negative. When entering the island of Northern Cyprus, you must take a test and the result must be negative. It is not enough if your test is negative, you still have to be in quarantine for 14 days.
Hong Kong, Thailand, Tajikistan, People's Republic of China, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Maldives, Vietnam, Yemen and many more are classified as gray countries. Gray countries have conditions too.
It does not check whether you have been vaccinated from the gray countries.
If the PCR test was negative in the last 3 days before the trip, you will still have to remain in quarantine for 14 days.
Egypt, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Philippines, Mongolia, Estonia, Slovenia and some other countries are marked in red.
In fact, you more or less understood that this is a very good method. We believe that we will not be able to prevent the epidemic unless such high quality measures are taken during this period. This world is our world. Regardless of skin color, language, religion or race, we have to fight together so that none of us is harmed.
Every bad night has a morning, and with every precaution we take we get a little closer to that beautiful morning. Together we are strong and always will be.
If you come from red countries, there will be no check whether you have been vaccinated or not.
Before traveling, your PCR test must have been negative for the past 3 days.
You have to stay in quarantine for 10 days.
Turkey, Azerbaijan, Belarus, South Cyprus, South Korea, Kosovo, USA, Finland, Canada, Bulgaria, Japan, Hungary and many other countries are in orange.
There are certain conditions for entry from the countries, which are divided into orange colors. The sole purpose of the country of Northern Cyprus in taking these measures is to try to protect everyone from the disease.
You will not be quarantined if you are from Orange countries, have been vaccinated or have already had the disease.
The result of your PCR test, which you did in the last 3 days, should be negative.
If you are from orange countries and have not been vaccinated, you will be quarantined for a week with your last 3-day negative result.
Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, Norway, Poland, the Republic of Ireland, the Czech Republic and some other countries also have yellow sections.
If you are from yellow countries that have had the disease or have been vaccinated, you can enter the island without going into quarantine with your negative test for the last 3 days. If you are from yellow countries and you are not vaccinated, you must remain in quarantine for 7 days in the last 3 days with your negative PCR test.
If you come from green countries, are ill or have been vaccinated, you are not subject to any restrictions. If you come from green countries and are not vaccinated, you can enter the island with your negative test for the last 3 days without quarantine.
The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus wanted to step up measures by dividing the countries into colors in this way.
In the continuation of our article, we would like to tell you about the types of vaccines and the number of doses given.
The Delta variant has been rated as a variant of concern by the World Health Organization. These variants are variants with an increased risk of infection. At the same time, the characteristics that can make people sick have also increased. They also reduce the effectiveness of many public health interventions. Not only do they break the effects of public health interventions, but vaccines and drugs as well.
Countries with the delta variant are riskier. Measures for them are also taken differently. Upon entry, PCR / LAMP and antigen tests will be carried out. These tests are done regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not.
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Portugal, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, France and many other countries are covered by the Delta variant.
As Tourwix Travel & Airport Transfer, we have informed you in this article about the entry requirements to Northern Cyprus. We hope we were able to answer all of your questions.
As a world, we are going through a difficult pandemic process and any action that is taken is very important. We all have to live with this awareness. Northern Cyprus developed a good method and we wanted to tell you about it in this article.
Not just in the transportation and health category; We will continue to write informative articles about travel, shopping, travel, food, and more. Stay tuned, thank you all for reading our articles beforehand.
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