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Has the requirement for a PCR test been omitted?

Health 04.12.2021   560

Has the requirement for a PCR test been omitted?

The need for PCR tests initiated as part of vaccination studies following Covid-19 cases has been carefully investigated. Because of these developments, those who received the second dose of the vaccine have been able to use it with ease in many places and beyond, especially when traveling nationally and internationally. And not vaccinated, they began to apply the requirements of the mandatory PCR tests.
According to the first decision, certain restrictions were introduced for non-vaccinated persons, with the obligation to carry out PCR tests from September 6, 2021. Those who did not have the Covid-19 vaccine had to undergo PCR tests to visit concerts, cinemas, theaters and, most importantly, when traveling. In addition, teachers and school staff carried out PCR tests twice a week after the introduction of face-to-face training.
However, it did not go unnoticed that PCR tests were canceled in some provinces where the number of Covid-9 cases declined in the following periods. Eskisehir is one of the provinces with the most vaccinations. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health; Eskisehir was named the fifth province with the most vaccinations.


Is there no requirement for a PCR test?

According to a decision of the Provincial Sanitary Council of Eskisehir on October 3, 2021, it was decided not to apply for a PCR test and therefore not to carry it out if the person had not previously had Covid 19 disease or was not vaccinated, did not have a negative PCR test or have not been admitted to special needs education.
In this context; Students, staff and parents of students can only attend educational institutions with HES codes without taking PCR tests. However, some students reacted to this decision, while others feared that the number of cases would increase with the removal of the PCR test requirement.
Some of the students said they would continue to require PCR testing and indicated that anyone who is not vaccinated should take a PCR test to further reduce the transmission rate within the limits offered by the government. As a result, the obligation to carry out PCR tests in Eskisehir no longer applies since October 3rd.

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