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What is Human Papillomavirus (HPV)?

Health 19.09.2021   9830

What is Human Papillomavirus (HPV)?

Human papillomavirus, known as HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), is essentially sexually transmitted microbial bacteria that can appear in both women and men. Today we are writing an article about these viruses, "HPV Symptoms and How Is HPV Spread?"

So we will answer the questions about "HPV treatment". It usually appears like warts, about 2 centimeters in diameter, on the genitals of both men and women. It is a dangerous bacterium on the surface of the skin, although the vast majority of it is observed to be painless. The most common type of virus in the world that is directly sexually transmitted is the HPV virus, which belongs to the papillomavirus family. Once HPV bacteria become established in the human body, they can multiply over time, although they may disappear from time to time.


What are the symptoms of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV)?

The HPV virus, the incubation period of which can be observed in the human body over long periods of time, can begin to show symptoms in the genital area of ​​the infected person between 6 months and 6 years. The most common HPV symptoms appear after the specified incubation time has elapsed. The symptoms of the human papillomavirus can be seen as warts on the genitals in both men and women. In addition, warts can be seen in the anus area from reverse intercourse or around the mouth as a result of oral sex.

Since the genital warts mentioned above are contagious on the surface of the skin, they can also be observed from time to time in areas of the joint ridges, navel and breast. The use of condoms, on the other hand, does not offer 100% protection against the HPV virus, but it has been known to reduce the rate of transmission.


How is papilloma virus (HPV) transmitted?


The answer to the question of how HPV virus is transmitted is actually quite simple. HPV virus carriers or an infected person can become infected with the HPV virus by contacting their partner through mucous structures during intercourse. The HPV virus, which causes penile cancer in men and cervical cancer in women, has been observed to be mainly transmitted by men.

The biggest factor in the spread of the HPV virus is polygamy. If a person is diagnosed with HPV virus, treatment should be started without delay and various cancers should be prevented.

The diagnosis of HPV virus can be made at a glance by an experienced doctor. However, certain smear tests are still being done to ensure certainty. Particularly unsafe sexual relationships play an active role in the transmission of the HPV virus.


How are human papillomavirus (HPV) treated?

First, different methods are used to treat the HPV virus. All of these methods are known as condyloma treatment. The treatment of condylomas is based on 3 main systematics, depending on various parameters. These:
  1. Treatment of burns (chemical burns)
  2. Freezing treatment (cryotherapy)
  3. Finally, traditional cream or surgical procedures are also preferred.
With the development of technology in recent years, it has been determined by experts that the contraindication, i.e. treating burns, is a more effortless, painless method and offers the highest benefit in terms of the possibility of recurrence. Depending on this, the first thing that comes to mind when considering condyloma treatment is the contrasting method. Thanks to local anesthesia and microsurgical methods, it is a very convenient method of treatment.

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