Forest fires in Turkey

Tourwix News 31.07.2021   1013

Forest fires in Turkey

The forest fires in Turkey, which will be on Turkey's agenda from July 2021, worry us all deeply.

We, as Tourwix Travel, have decided to prepare this informative article for you in order to raise awareness for society and the social benefit.

What are forest fires and how are forest fires spread in Turkey?


Nature that has arisen through the touch of human hands, both from nature and from humans, is called forest. The areas in which more than one forest come together are called forest areas.

Forests, due to their nature, are home to a large number of plant and animal communities. Turkey, on the other hand, has areas that are climatically very suitable for forest areas. At the same time, the diversity of plants and animals in the forests of Turkey is quite high.

The regional forest area distribution in Turkey is as follows:

  • Black Sea region with 141,156 square meters of 26%
  • The Marmara region is 18% with 67306 m²
  • With 85,000 square meters and 16%, the Aegean region can be one of the regions with the most forested area in Turkey.

In Turkey, especially coastal regions such as the Black Sea, Marmara, Aegean and the Mediterranean Sea have quite a lot of forest areas.

What are the causes of forest fires in Turkey?

Forests are an invaluable boon to a country when one considers its infinite advantages. In addition, forest areas are also under great pressure for reasons such as urbanization, population growth and industrialization.

Forest fires, on the other hand, often irreversibly destroy these vital natural resources. In addition, the causes of forest fires due to human error are mostly human. Every year thousands of forest fires break out around the world, and many people lose their lives and suffer enormous financial losses from these forest fires.

So what are the factors causing thousands of acres of land to be burned down? Why do forest fires occur? In this article we will give you answers to these questions.

If a statement is made on the basis of the information received, forest fires in the world and in Turkey are established for the following reasons.

Forest fires in Turkey:

  • 47% unknown or inexplicable sabotage
  • 38% negligence and carelessness of people
  • 12% of forest fires intentionally set for a specific purpose
  • 3% are caused by lightning strikes.

Forest fires that have occurred in Turkey are distributed seasonally as follows:

  • 51% in spring
  • 46% in summer
  • 3% are seen in autumn.

What measures can be taken against forest fires?

As we mentioned in our article, the biggest cause of forest fires is human. Accordingly, the best that can be done to prevent forest fires is by making society aware. At the same time, imposing strong sanctions to prevent forest fires caused by human factors will be a solution.

Another measure is to raise the awareness of the people working in the forest administration and to monitor them continuously. In addition, raising forest workers' awareness of forest laws and sanctions will be highly beneficial.

At the same time, tourism and travel activities can be brought under control by deploying additional teams during the seasons when forest fires are most common in regions such as the Black Sea and Marmara regions.

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