Tourwix News 24.04.2023 473
Online sales in Germany are becoming increasingly dominant, with the share of online bookings in the holiday reservation sector rising every year. It is expected that 56.6% of holiday reservations made in Germany in 2023 will be made online. According to the "Customer Insights 2023" survey conducted by Centouris, Germans prefer to plan their holidays in the comfort of their own homes, find cheaper holiday deals online, benefit from a greater range of options, and take advantage of the speed and convenience of online reservations.
Of those surveyed, 64.4% preferred to plan their holidays at home rather than visit travel agencies. Additionally, 46.5% said they found cheaper holiday deals online, 38.2% said they had access to more options, and 33.2% said online reservations were faster.
The increasing use of social media is also noteworthy. The percentage of people who said they only get travel information online has risen from 48.1% last year to 55.9% this year. It is also interesting to note that the trend of older people using social media for holiday planning is increasing. 16.7% of those aged 55-66 surveyed said they used social media in their holiday planning process. This figure was 39.7% for the Z generation, and has risen to 43.3% this year.
One of the most important factors contributing to the increase in online sales is the widespread availability of the internet and changing internet usage habits. Additionally, the advantageous prices and ease of use offered by online holiday websites contribute to the increasing popularity of online sales in this sector.
In conclusion, online sales are becoming increasingly dominant in Germany, especially in the holiday reservation sector. With changes in travel habits during the pandemic, it is expected that online holiday reservations will become even more popular in the coming years.
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